A fantastic figure for any human army ( Bretonnian , Empire ,etc ... )
Straight from the box.
A fantastic detailed miniature with ( yet again ) almost no work ( No surplus ) , only assembling the miniature and ready to paint again. Very easy to glue with parts that fit perfectly ! Without any odd spaces you have to fill with greenstuff. Just like all Avatars of War miniatures I already had the pleasure of painting.
No pictures where taken of the assembled model in white primer. I was to fast to start painting.
So excited !
Merlin : 'Hoppab nu swilce swá lieg fleogan' ! ( And a huge fireball hurled at the enemy ) |
A fantastic miniature to paint , with lots of details and character. Like all miniatures of Avatars of War !
I had much fun painting him and with a great result.
I turned this Cirlean Imperial Wizard into Merlin , Wizard for my Bretonnian army.
This is a fantastic miniature for any human army !
Here you see a comparison with the Bretonnian archer and men at arms.
So my findings :
1 Price : Only 11,95 euro for this amazing miniature : 9 / 10
2 Look : Fantastic looking miniature with lots of details and character : 10 / 10
3 Quality : The quality of the metal is great ! No surplus ! : 10 / 10
Fits perfectly and no gaps that need to be filled !
4 Cleaning the model : No work ! No surplus ! : 10 / 10
5 Painting and time spent painting : 9 / 10
Great fun and very satisfying result with all the details. Again a bit more difficult to paint than the Dwarf Master Gunner.
6 Shipping : Very fast and perfect packaging ! : 10 / 10
This is one of the great miniatures of Avatars of war !
Painted : 232 / 250