Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New year ! ! !

Happy New Year 2020 ! ! !
From me & my wife Sofie , a happy , healthy , fruitful , fun and whatever you wish ... New year ! ! !

Monday, December 30, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 321th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 321th edition !

Hello everyone , welcome to the (very late ) last paint table of 2019 !
There are no miniatures painted since the time out.

But I reorganized my painting area ... in the hope to be more inspired , motivated... etc... 
And to hopefully end the time out and start the new year with fresh courage , motivation and inspiration.

My new setup :
From left to right ... the paint table.
And my side of the room ... dedicated to my hobby's and interests.
And behind me , opposite of the paint table , my dice collection with some more miniatures and clutter...
So this is it for this last paint table of 2019...
See you hopefully next week in the first Paint Table Saturday of 2020 ! ! !
Hopefully with painted miniatures ! ! !

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 315th edition !

Absolutely nothing happened this week on the painting front.
Last weekend was Crisis , normally the highlight of my year. Now , I didn't went & didn't care at all.
All sorts of releases happen & I don't care... or the ones I do care about are to pricey for me.
I've invested to much in this hobby and it's taking it's toll (and life isn't helping... it gets harder every day)
As I reached my goal for this year , I'm taking a time-out. A pity as I would have liked reaching 300 painted models this year.
When I'll be back? I don't know...
Can be with a week... or two.. or more...
We'll see...

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 314th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 314th edition !
 Welcome to paint table 314 !

Not much happened since the previous paint table... 
No finished models this week.
 A bit more progress on the 2 black Ork planes , no progress on the yellow and red one...
Nothing to report further , just that life is flying by and I can't keep up with it.

See you all next week for a new edition of Paint Table Saturday !

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 313th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 313th edition !
 Welcome to paint table 313 !

No finished models this week (2 black Ork flyers are finished , except for the base), due to a little loss of interest in the hobby.
And a chronic lack of time to do the hobby. 
 4 New planes got on to the paint table , as the other 2 black Ork flyers (Paint Table Saturday 312) are finished (except for the bases). You can see them as soon as the bases get finished.
The 4 new Ork flyers are about 50% done. The Belgian flag colors are not intentional , it just happened.

That's it for this weeks paint table.
No improvements of painting time in the next couple of weeks as work & life devours all time.... 

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 312th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 312th edition !
Welcome to paint table 312 ! 
Paint Table Saturday 6th year birthday.

And what a week it was... but not on the painting front unfortunately.
No painting happened this week until today. I had a 'fun' episode of kidney-stones this week. Everybody who has had those knows of the 'fun' I mean.
Long story short , all the plans I had for the 6th birthday of the paint table went nowhere.
So , no finished models this week.  

Paint table at the moment...
 I worked on 2 Ork flyers today for Aeronautica Imperialis.
A Dakkajet and a Bomber. The Dakkajet is finished except for the base.
Another black red white color-scheme...

So that's it for this weeks paint table.
On to the next birthday !

On a side note , during the mandatory resting I rekindled my interest in LEGO & started a new blog about it : Building bricks with Mario.
Follow the link if you're interested.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 311th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 311th edition !
 Welcome to paint table 311 !

I'll start , as usual , with the finished models of this week.

40K : Ork Boyz :
Warcry : Iron Golems :
No other models got finished this week. But 14 models is not bad for a week.

Paint table & new projects started this week.
It's still Orktober , so I cleared all not Ork projects and added some new ones.
The last scrap-pile of the Speed Freaks box , I assembled 4 Ork Bommers and 2 Dakkajets for Aeronautica Imperialis , Wurrgog Prophet and ...
 I started on the Snazzwagon.

That's it for this week. See you all next week for another Paint Table Saturday !
Next week : 6 years Paint Table Saturday (312)!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Warcry : Iron Golems finished !

 I finished my warband for Warcry : The Iron Golems.
I based them on half-Orks , half human / half Ork. As I have never painted half-Orks before , I chose this warband to try it out. And I like it. Do you? Comments are always welcome.

So my second group for Orktober is finished. All goals reached that I wanted to reach this week and plenty of time left for other projects.
On an other note... I also reached my goal for 2019. Painting 21 miniatures / month ( =252 ) with two and a half month's left to paint. Now my goal is to paint as much as I can and maybe reach 300 for the first time since the start of this blog.

Painted in 2019 : 257