Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dwarf Tower W.I.P.

I've been working on the Dwarf Tower from MINI MONSTERS.
And made a bit of progress , despite the 2 little distractions ( puppies ).
This is what I have so far :

1 Basecoat : Black
2 Base color : Dawnstone ( instead of Vallejo 71052 )
3 Wash : Nuln oil 
4 Drybrush : Longbeard Grey
Next step is the gold color and wash.
Then the gems and the door. I'm still thinking what to do with the windows.
Anyone an idea ?

More progress in the next post...

Sunday, September 24, 2017

High Elves : Obelisk's finished !

So I finished 3 more Obelisk's for the High Elves. Another big one and 2 small ones.
I also gave them all gems to enhance their appearance. Not that they need it , but for me it was the finishing tough !
And here the family pictures of all 4 Obelisk's !

Painted so far : 201

Paint Table Saturday 203th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 203th edition !
Welcome to paint table 203 !
And without the large scenery...
So this week I finished the Fyreslayers & 2 Pox Walkers and I started on some scenery.
As you see the Elven Obelisk's are gone. They're finished and will be seen in the next post.
I also started on the Dwarf tower & pillars. And finally started on an Aetherwing.
 When working on the Dwarf tower & pillars I hit a delay. My grey color was almost empty. But luckily I bought 2 new bottles of the same color 71052 Vallejo model air at Kmk Scaleworld Mol.
The bottles looked darker at the outside , so I did a test on a piece of paper towel.
The light grey (middle) is the (old) almost empty bottle. On the left and right you see the 2 new bottles. Both darker and with a new name but same number (71052). None of the 3 bottles have the same color. So dear Vallejo how am I supposed to continue painting without color-difference? ? ? ? ? (because all my scenery (rocks & stone) is painted with this color) And I'm not buying another bottle hoping the color will match !
So my solution : I used Dawnstone from Citadel ! And now I'm serious disappointed in Vallejo ! ! !
SHAME ! ! !  

This concludes my adventures of this week , see you all next week !

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Death Guards : 2 more Pox Walkers finished !

 I finished 2 Pox Walkers yesterday from the Dark Imperium box.
I painted them in the same manor as the other 3 I finished earlier.
And so one by one the mini's get painted on the paint table...

Painted so far : 198

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fyreslayers : Auric Runemaster & Battlesmith finished !

 I finished the last 2 Fyreslayers on the table today.
The Auric Runemaster.
 And the Battlesmith.
They're painted in the usual color-scheme for this army.
 So no more Fyreslayers on the table and time for something else.
Painted so far : 196

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Paint Table Saturday 202th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 202th edition !
Welcome to paint table 202 !
 Not much to report painting wise this week. I managed to finish 3 Fyreslayers & made some progress on 2 other Fyreslayers. 
I also built the Dwarf Tower ( fortress ) & Dwarf pillars from MINI MONSTERS that I got for my birthday ( 38 ) last Tuesday from my wife. I also received the Blightwars box from GW & 2 Khorne Bloosthirsters & a box of Kurnoth Hunters.
So that's it for this week !
I'll end with our 2 new puppies that my wife and I bough each other on Monday for our wedding anniversary ( 8th years now ).
See you all next week !

Friday, September 15, 2017

Fyreslayers : Auric Runesmiter finished !

Also finished a Auric Runesmiter from the Magmadroth box.
I own 2 Magmadroth's currently & they're both finished. Except for the second box 's crew members.
This is the first member from the second box : The Auric Runesmiter. 
I have plans to place him on a stone throne and make him a King for the Fyreslayer army ( holding the key to the Fyreslayers treasure ).
That's why I magnetized him on his base ( no picture at the moment ) for now until this project is finished. 
 And a view of the 2 Auric Runesmiters.
I made the cloaks like the Magmadroth's : Red & Black.
Painted so far : 194

Fyreslayers : Doomseeker finished ! ( Warhammer Quest )

 I finished an other Fyreslayer today. This time from the Warhammer Quest Silver Tower box , Doomseeker.
He's painted in the usual painting scheme for this army with the new blue color.
I also finished a Auric Runesmiter , see him in the next post.

Painted so far : 193

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fyreslayers : Grimwrath Berzerker finished !

 Yesterday I finished the Grimwrath Berzerker for the Fyreslayer army.
 He's painted in the usual color-scheme for this army.
Only the light blue color is new , to give it more contrast.
Painted so far : 192
And here 2 new reasons why painting is going slow !
See you at the next post !