Sunday, July 21, 2019

Paint Table Saturday 298th edition !

Paint Table Saturday 298th edition !
welcome to paint table 298 !
No finished projects & no new projects this week , so I go straight to the current projects.
No progress on all mini's , except for the Masters of Possession.
He is almost finished...
I'm not looking forward to the cumming week , as they predict another heatwave here. 38° and more...
I still hope to paint ... you can see if I succeeded next week ! 


  1. Having a heatwave sucks ... and as global warming takes hold we are only going to experience more :(

    1. Yes , it sucks big time... It's Thursday ( day 4 of the heatwave ) and the temperature keeps on rising... Hopefully it ends soon... And yes it will happen more and more... and more , because we fucked up the planet !
