Sunday, October 3, 2021

Tutorial : How I paint my Dominion Stormcast eternals. (Knights Excelsior color-scheme)

As promised , here's a tutorial on how to paint Stormcast eternals in the Knights Excelsior color-scheme.

Cut out the parts & clean them off.

Glue them together , basecoat in white & paint all white armor in Contrast White.

When it's dry wash with a mixture of Nuln oil & Lamian medium (1/3) 

When it's dry , drybrush the armor with Pallid wych flesh. Paint all gold parts with Glorious Gold & wash them with Reickland Fleshshade.

Paint all silver parts with Ironbreaker & wash with Nuln oil. Paint all purple parts with Xereus purple.

Wash with Drucci violet. Highlight the gold with Glorious Gold. Highlight the silver with Runefang steel.

Highlight the purple with Genestealer purple. Paint the gems with Paillid wych flesh. When dry , add Contrast Aethermatic blue to the gems.

Paint the cloth Contrast Black. That's it for the Stormcast. Now the base... Paint the stones in 
Contrast Gryph charger grey. When dry add another layer of Gryph charger grey.

When dry add Nuln oil wash. When dry , drybrush the stones with Longbeard grey. Add texture paint for the ground.

Add a mixture of Contrast medium & Contrast Gore-gruntas fur (2/1) to the ground. When dry , drybrush with Underhive ash. Paint all skulls with Rakarth flesh. Wash with Nuln oil.

Highlight the skulls with Paillid wych flesh. Paint the rim of the base black. Add turfs of your choice. And finished !

And that's how I paint my Dominion Stormcast Eternals ! I hope you found it useful or interesting. If you want more tutorials on models I paint , just ask in the comments. 


  1. Great tutorial, Mario. Reminds me that I need to replenish my paints - sadly the local store I usually go to has been out of stock for months.

  2. Very nicely done tutorial Mario. Straight to the point. I myself am only just getting the whole Stormcast Eternal thing after reading two Black Library books i.e. Dominion and Thunderstrike.

    1. Thank you very much Kuan ! That's the way I role... :) :)
