Sunday, February 7, 2021

W.I.P. : February : Week 1

A few changes happened this week. I moved the 8 Stormcast Eternals & 2 Dark Angels off the paint table. I replaced them with 12 French Troops and 2 scenery pieces (Elven Gate from Scibor). 6 Of the French Troops are already finished and will get their own post next week.
Scenery pieces are base-coated & washed with White Contrast paint. Little progress on the 4 medium Ork Planes. Gold and Silver finished.
And 6 more French Troops. With their pants and shoes done.


  1. We will follow the painting of these figures... especially the french soldiers!

  2. The level of detail of the Elven Gate scenery pieces is insane. So much detail!

    1. I know ... It's a lovely piece that has been waiting too long for some paint.
