Saturday, January 30, 2021

W.I.P. : January : Week 4

 No more painting happened this month , but I chose the 20 miniatures that I'm gonna try to finish in February. Starting with the 2 remaining Dark Angels Devastators that didn't get finished last time. 8 Stormcast Eternals Sequitors from the Soul Wars box.

And 10 Ork Air Waaagh ( 4 small , 4 medium  and 2 big ) flyers from Aeronautica Imperialis. 


  1. Wow ... in just January alone you have been so productive. Salute! Meanwhile I am still busy playing PC games XD :)

    1. Thanks Kuan. Yes , but January is almost every year my best month of the year. So I'll have to make sure I don't let it hang like other years before...
      Oooohhh but that's a very fun hobby too ! Did that a lot last year and it is noticeable at my painting numbers.
