Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Skaven color test

So I started a new army ; the Skaven.
This is a fella of the Island of Blood set.
I tried to avoid brown because of the fact the Skaven are mostly brown.
So I used a vibrant yellow , a dirty white and a sewery green.
And I based the bases on the sewers theme with lost of goo and mold.

This will probably be the last miniature of 2014.
So the grand total stops at 210 miniatures this year.
It is almost double than the 125 miniatures I set as a goal at the beginning of this year.

Stay tuned for next year. With a few new army's. Such as the Skaven , Bretonnia and Beastmen that where lurking under the Christmas tree...

To all a Happy New Year !

 Painted : 210 / 200


  1. Happy New Year Mario

    The colours are great on the Skaven and how you have painted it makes it look like it is a bacteria germ carrier. The base looks like it has the plague :)

    1. Thanks Roy ! A very Happy New Year to you too !

  2. This reminds me on the one I have painted for my son (http://www.peterscave.blogspot.be/2013/01/warhammer-skaven-clanrat.html). Good idea to use another colour as brown! I would have given the tail a bit lighter colour, but that is just a matter of taste I think!
    Great work again Mario!
    Happy New Year to both of you!


    1. Thanks Peter ! And great work on your Clanrat. I saw on the internet that the majority uses the same color as you did ( various tones of Red for the cloth ). And I didn't like it that much and an other thing that bothers me is the lighter color for the tail ( it's to lifelike with real rats ). But like you say : It's a matter of taste and that is different for everyone. Thank God .. Otherwise life would be very boring. Don't you think ?
      A very Happy New Year Peter and until next year !

    2. Yes you are right I used some painted clanrats on the internet as reference! And it would be boring indeed if everyone should have the same taste! Maybe next time we meet we can discuss about this with a drink!
      Happy New Year!


  3. yeah, I really like the base and the blood on the shield :)
