Wednesday, July 10, 2024

40K : 40K Orks : Preadator Ork Chieftain (Warboss) finished !

And the final piece of my order at : the Preadator Ork Chieftain. I'm NOT a Preadator fan , butt I just loved the look of this model & had to have it in my collection.

Painted in 2024 : 104

Sunday, July 7, 2024

40K : 40K Orks : The Ork team finished !

Together with the Ork Batmobile (from the previous post) I also found the Ork version of the A-team at ... I just loved it & had to own it & paint it of course. I was a huge fan of the series in my childhood / teen years. Hannibal , Murdock , BA Barracus & face. Very nicely Orkefyed by Puppetswar. Each of them very recognizable. Love m !

I love it when a plan comes together !!! 

Painted in 2024 : 103