Monday, September 27, 2021

#Oberonnpainter : Age of Sigmar : Dominion : Stormcast Eternals : 2 Vindictors finished !

A new paint challenge has been made available by my local wargaming shop Oberonn. This time it's painting a Stormcast Eternals Vindictor. I've painted mine and my wifes miniature in the same color-scheme as my other Stormcast Eternals of the Dominion kind. 

I also made a tutorial (on the facebook page of Oberonn) on how to paint these Stormcast ! As it is a private group on facebook , I'll post the tutorial here as well in the near future... 

Painted in 2021 : 197

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

40K Orks : Yet another Defcopta finished !

I finished a second Defcopta. Painted in the same style and colors as the other one. With the other half of the barrels as base filler.

Painted in 2021 : 195

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

40K Orks : Kill Team : Octarius : First piece finished !

I finished the first piece of the Ork scenery from the Kill Team Octarius box. I painted it in the same style and colors as my latest Ork vehicles.

And these crates are half of the "Kromlech Orc barrels set". The other half was used on the Defcopta base , in the next post.

I'm really struggling to get models finished lately... So I changed my paint settings yet again and hope it will improve my painting frequency... and more painted models. 

Painted in 2021 : 194