Welcome to paint table 195 part 1 !
After finishing all models on the table , I prepared some miniatures that I want to paint for quite some time... And after these bunch , I concluded that I didn't do half the mini's than that I would like. Also on my list are : Stormcast Eternals , 40k Dark Imperium mini's & The Horus Heresy models , and the list goes on and on.... I'm going to prepare some more , but no more than 20 ( I think ). And then there's no excuse for not painting anything ( like I do sometimes ) , because there are so many different things on the table that I just have to paint.
What do you think ? Good strategy ?
First up Urruks : Maw - Krusha , Weirdnob Shaman , a Gore - Grunta and some Ardboys.
Witch Elves & Swordmasters.
Seraphon Saurus Warriors.
Fyreslayers Characters.
Gyrocopter from Norba miniatures & Bretonnian Archers.
And some new mini's from Ninja All Stars ( early birthday present ).
These are from the KITSUNE Clan.
That's it for now... see you all Saturday for part 2 of Paint Table Saturday 195th edition !
Paint Table Saturday 195th edition part 1 !